Slumber Party the LUSGirl way!

Slumber Party the LUSGirl way!

Hey Slumber Party lovers!

We here at LUS love a good slumber party! They are a great way to spend some time having fun with your friends and do some cool things. Here are our favorite things to do to have an awesome slumber party that all your friends will remember.

Slumber Party Feast:
Every slumber party needs some tasty food to snack on. Our favorites are the Apple Bliss Balls (check our Australian blog for the recipe). We also love to have some popcorn, natural lollipops, and some healthy chocolate. You can even find some awesome recipes online to make your own snacks! Just make sure you get adults to help.

Slumber Party Activities:
Now that we have the snacks all set let's plan our activities. We absolutely love to set up a mini spa station. In your mini spa station, we recommend having a station with our face masks to keep your skin fresh and clear all night. The next station you could have is a nail polish set up. Our glow in the dark nail polish sets are perfect, they keep your nails looking lovely and the glow in the dark is a cool accessory to any party!

The next activity that every slumber party need is a movie session! Make sure you choose a movie that is perfect for you and your friends. Our favorite movies are Pitch Perfect or Grease!

Slumber Party Set Up:
Our final tip for an awesome slumber party is to make sure you have the best sleeping/ movie watching are set up. We always love to make a fort with all our pillows, lots of fluffy blankets and a big sheet to go over our heads. You may need the help of some adults to set up your fort as you may need to move some furniture. A way to make your fort that extra bit special is to hang fairy lights or lanterns over your fort, this is a great way to light up the area without having the big room lights on. Just make sure you turn them off before you go to sleep so nothing heats up too much!

We hope you have a great slumber party with all your friends. Show us how you party or share your ideas with us by tagging us in photos or commenting! 

Here are a few pics from our #LUSgirls who've already had a #SpaDay sleepover!

Luv Izzi and the LUS team xx

